Impresii dupa examenul First Certificate in English

FCE este un examen pe care il sustin, de regula, copiii cu varste cuprinse intre 16 si 18 ani. Anul acesta am avut parte de doua surprize! Cei doi copii care au sustinut First Ceritificate anul acesta au doar 14 ani si s-au descurcat admirabil. Felicitari Iuliei Bratulescu si lui Alexandru Popa de la grupa S5 a Miss Corinei!

Iulia ne-a impartasit cateva impresii post-examen:

Cum se simte stiind ca a absolvit cu un nivel peste cel prevazut de Ministerul Educatiei la o varsta atat de mica:

Even though I am younger that the average age for the FCE exam, I received a lot of encouragement from my parents, friends and my teacher from Follow Me to make it. This gave me self confidence and, because of them, I felt completely ready to take the exam.

At the age of almost fourteen, being with one level above the one requiered by the Ministry of Education of highschool graduates makes me feel proud of myself and thankful to my parents, who contributed a lot in my way to acheive this.

Cum a ajutat-o Follow Me sa treaca acest examen:

Because of Follow Me, I passed the FCE exam. Before I came here, I didn’t know English, but after seven years of coming here, I almost have perfect English.

I started from J1, the smallest grade, but in several years of being well prepared, I passed the FCE exam at the age of 14 years old. The average age for the FCE exam is 16-18, but thanks to Follow Me, I was able to take it earlier and pass it with success!