Membrii familiei reprezintă stâlpii primei, celei mai frumoase și mai solide lumi pe care o cunosc copiii. Familia trebuie celebrată, încurajată, ținută aproape! Ajută-ți copilul să conștientizeze importanța sa citind și memorând poezii despre familie în engleză – astfel vei suplimenta și cunoștințele dobândite la cursuri! Oferă-ți și tu un zâmbet (sau o lacrimă) citind poeziile despre familie pentru avansați, căci familia, în orice cultură, e o valoare nepieritoare.
Copiii de vârstă preșcolară simt atașamentul și dependența, de multe ori fizică, față de familia lor cel mai mult. Ceea ce poate declanșa uimire în rândul lor e faptul că observă, la grădiniță, în parc sau la cursuri că nu toate familiile sunt la fel. De aceea e util să le explicăm și să le exemplificăm tipurile de familii care există, menționând că toate sunt la fel de valoroase și de minunate.
Families are people
Who care about you
My family is special
Your family is too.
Mothers and fathers
Brothers and sisters
Grandpas and grandmas
And so many others!
One family is big
While another is small
Some families have children
And some none at all.
When we are together
Or far, far apart
The people I love
Fill the map in my heart.
This is my home,
Open the door!
There you can see
Mother, father, sister and me.
Mummy and Papa are so much fun!
They are the best under the sun.
Grandpa and Grandma are happy and kind
Our home is the best place one can find!
Fragment din poezia în engleză Family, de Glenda Campbell.
Of all the treasure life may bring,
your family means the most,
And whether near or far apart
that love will hold you close.
Poți găsi întregul poem pe Playosmo. Alte poezii scurte în engleză, potrivite pentru preșcolarii mici, găsești aici.
Copiii de vârstă școlară au deja capacitatea de a observa și de a aprecia diferitele trăsături (fizice sau de personalitate) ale membrilor familiei. De asemenea, ei încep să simtă recunoștință, apreciere, uneori și teama de pierdere a membrilor familiei. Poeziile despre familie în engleză propuse descriu și validează sentimentele intense pe care cei mici le au, îmbogățindu-le, în același timp, vocabularul. Poezii pentru școlari despre una dintre celelalte teme foarte importante ale vârstei găsești în articolul nostru cu versuri despre școală.
Grandma, I wonder
where you keep your wings.
Are they hung in your closet
with the rest of your things?
Do you put them away
and just use them at night
or give them to Rosie
to polish up bright?
I know you have wings,
for this must be true,
‘cause God always gives
them to angels just like you.
He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.
Mommy, I love you
More than you see.
You have always been there
When I needed you to be.
I know I don’t show
How great my love is,
But I need you to know
All the love of you I have to give.
I wish there was more
For you I could do,
But all I can say
Is how much I love you.
It is deeper than the oceans,
Higher than the sun.
I could shout it forever
And still not be done.
Your smile is a keepsake.
I keep close to my heart
That I open up and treasure
When we are apart.
Pentru că persoanele cu un nivel avansat al limbii engleze pot savura metaforele, conotațiile, insinuările și întorsăturile comice, începem cu o serie de versuri care să stârnească zâmbetul:
My father knows the proper way
The nation should be run;
He tells us children every day
Just what should now be done.
He knows the way to fix the trusts,
He has a simple plan;
But if the furnace needs repairs,
We have to hire a man.
My father, in a day or two
Could land big thieves in jail;
There’s nothing that he cannot do,
He knows no word like „fail.”
„Our confidence” he would restore,
Of that there is no doubt;
But if there is a chair to mend,
We have to send it out.
All public questions that arise,
He settles on the spot;
He waits not till the tumult dies,
But grabs it while it’s hot.
In matters of finance he can
Tell Congress what to do;
But, O, he finds it hard to meet
His bills as they fall due.
It almost makes him sick to read
The things law-makers say;
Why, father’s just the man they need,
He never goes astray.
All wars he’d very quickly end,
As fast as I can write it;
But when a neighbor starts a fuss,
‘Tis mother has to fight it.
In conversation father can
Do many wondrous things;
He’s built upon a wiser plan
Than presidents or kings.
He knows the ins and outs of each
And every deep transaction;
We look to him for theories,
But look to ma for action.
Fragment din poezia în engleză Brother Trouble, de Richard Thomas.
Of all the burdens I must bear,
My brother’s number one.
Our parents really messed up there.
They’ve raised an awful son.
He’s lazy, stubborn, rough and mean
And thinks he’s boss of me.
The biggest grouch you’ve ever seen
And greedy as can be.
His constant teasing makes me sore.
He does it just for spite.
He cheats and brags and, furthermore,
He tickles when we fight.
Unless he stops, I swear someday
I’ll punch his ugly face.
And if they’d let me have my way,
I’d shoot him into space.
But other times he’s not so bad.
He’s taught me lots of games.
He gave me toys and books he had
And calls me funny names.
He helps me when my homework’s hard
And finds me when I hide.
He built the treehouse in our yard
And lets me play inside.
He laughs at every joke I tell
And gives me good advice.
He knows when I’m not feeling well
And treats me extra nice.
So, all in all, I’d have to say
It’s better in the end
To let the no-good nuisance stay.
My brother is my friend.
Though Grandpa was a quiet man, he taught his lessons well.
He showed me ways to understand with stories I still tell.
The first time I had lost a game, he told me what to do.
So now, my son, in Grandpa’s name I’ll do the same to you.
Hold your head up proudly and wipe that tear out of your eye.
You still can be a winner, but winners never cry.
You’ve just reached the place in life where winners all begin.
You have to know the taste of loss to savor any win.
If you want to see a rainbow, you’ll have to take the rain.
If you want to be successful, you have to take the strain.
If you want to be a winner and hold your head up high,
you have to know just how to lose, ‘cause winners never cry.
You could win most any game and jump and shout for joy.
That’s a part of life that’s shared by every growing boy.
But here’s a thought for little guys who join the ranks of men.
A winner is the loser who can suck it up and try again.
Lectura poeziilor în engleză despre familie, chiar ca și adult, îți topește inima, îți readuce în memorie scene dragi, de mult uitate. Este doar unul dintre darurile artei lirice, de care e păcat să nu beneficiem, la orice vârstă ne-am afla.
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