12 saptamani de vara au luat sfarsit si ne despart doar 18 zile de inceputul anului scolar Follow Me. A fost o vara plina de culoare, voie buna si proiecte de care ne vom aminti cu drag. Avem amintiri placute din aceasta vara, iar aceastea au un loc de cinste pe peretii nostri, in sufletele noastre si nu in ultimul rand, pe pagina de Facebook.
Copiii ne-au scris ce lucruri le-au placut in aceasta vara si care au fost cele mai indragite activitati pe care le-au facut.
This summer at Follow Me I liked the classes. I liked the projects and the prizes. I liked the teacher and I learned how to write and speak in English. My favourite subject was Ancient Egypt. I liked that the gods had funny names.
This summer at Follow Me I liked the classmates, prizes and funny moments. I liked the teachers and the stickers. I learned about: safety, speed, school, Ancient Egypt, Underwater life, and technology.
This summer at Follow Me English classes I liked that I had an occupation every day. Instead of staying home and wasting my time, I came to Follow Me where I had something to do every day. From every lesson we learned something new. The teacher was understanding and helped us every time we needed. There were moments of tension when we played games and we didn’t know the answers, moments when we fought and funny moments when we felt like a family.
Ne va fi dor de orele distractive pe care le-am petrecut alaturi de cei mici vara asta, dar ne vom revedea cu bine dupa doua saptamani de la inceperea anului scolar.