Complete the story…

Saptamana aceasta, cursantii grupei S2C au avut de facut o poveste, pornind de la primul pagragraf. Cele mai bune lucrari suna cam asa:

Sweet Sue is sitting in her office. The phone rings.

„Hello, can I speak to Sweet Sue?”

‘Who’s calling?”

„This is Mr. Black.”

„I am Sweet Sue. How can I help you?”

„Someone has stolen my car! Can you help me?”

„Yes, Mr. Black! What colour is it?”

„It’s blue!”

„Don’t worry! I’ll help find it!”

Sweet Sue put on  her coat and took the bus to the City. Near a bank she saw a blue car parked. She got off the bus and hid next to the post box. The thief left the keys in the car, so Sweet Sue opened the car door and drove it to Mr. Black.

„Thank you, Sweet Sue!”

„You’re welcome!”

Sweet Sue, tired, went home and went to sleep. The next day , Sweet Sue found a note in front of the house door:

„Dear Sweet Sue,

My name is Martin. Mr. Black is my dad. I stole my dad’s car to go to the bank to see if they have a job for me. Please tell my dad that I was the one who stole his car!”

Sweet Sue solved the case. She sent Mr. Black an e-mail about this and everything was fine.

Dragos Stoica

Sweet Sue is sitting in her office. The phone rings. She answers the phone.


„Hi, Sweet Sue! I’m Smart Alec. I want to talk to you. ”

„What? You? Talk to me? Why?”

„Please come into my room!”

Sweet Sue thinks Smart Alec is ill, why else did he invite her in his room? She put her beautiful coat on a chair and went to his room. When she opened the door, she saw the beautiful room, flowers, candles and a big cake.

„Oh, Smart Alec, what is this?”

„Sweet Sue (on his knee)…Marry me!”


„I love you! When I came here and saw you, I liked you! You are beautiful and a very sweet girl!”

„Oh, Alex! I don’t know what to say. Sorry. I’m tired. I’ll go home now.”

When she opened the door, Alec ran and closed it shut. He looked into her eyes and kissed her.

„What are you doing, Alec? I have a husband!”

„I know! I’ll go and kill your husband. You are mine now!”

„Oh, noooo! My husband!”


The Police: „Sweet Sue, come with us!”

Mr. Sweet: „My dear, why did you kill a person?”

Sweet Sue didn’t answer. The police decided to give Sweet Sue a poison and will her.

But…in the next lifetime, it will be Sweet Sue and Smart Alec’s wedding. And they will have a baby boy and live happily ever after!

Sarina Ghafouri

Am apreciat umorul primei povesti si dramatismul celei de-a doua. Vom continua seria povestilor cu Sweet Sue si joi! Stay tuned!