Cute little story from Titan

Sa curga cu creativitate! Se pare ca juniorii din Titan au fost un izvor nesecat de idei si unul dintre ei ne-a incantat cu compunerea de mai jos. Numele lui este Eduard Gurau de la grupa J4(2-3). Tema a fost in felul urmator: sa aleaga niste cuvinte pe care sa le foloseasca in compunere si sa dea frau liber imaginatiei.

Words to use: ant, egg, heart, fish, mouse, white and orange crayon, tire.

Once upon a time there was a wonderful little ant. So lovely and so hard working that everyone loved her! One day while she was raking leaves in her front yard, she found a white and orange crayon. She said ‘What should I do with it?’ When she got home, she styled her hair, did her eyes with the new crayon and put some blush on her cheeks. Then she went outside and sat on a tire near a small lake. She was so stylish and beautiful that everyone that passed admired her.


While the ant was sitting there she saw a golden fish. When the fish saw how beautiful the ant was, he started to jump from the water, then told the ant that he can make her wishes come true. The ant asked the fish to help her find a husband. The fish told the ant to go home and to prepare something to eat because her husband will arrive home soon. Immediately the ant jumped from the old tire and ran away home. She started to prepare a salad with eggs, soup and a cake. After she finished cooking, she heard a noise outside. She ran to the door and she saw a handsome mouse with a big flower bouquet in his hand. He treated her kindly and very delicately. He was so nice that he won the heart of the little ant instantly. She married him and they both lived very happy and very much in love. It was a love so big that it hasn’t been seen since the beginning of time.