Ce ne face cu adevarat fericiti? Fericirea inseamna ceva diferit pentru fiecare dintre noi. Pentru vedete fericirea consta in faima si frumusete, pentru politicieni si oameni de afaceri fericirea e sinonima cu cresterea economiei, dar pentru oamenii de rand, fericirea este o variabila instabila.
Daca e sa ajungem la un numitor comun, ne putem da seama ca fericirea are de-a face cu legaturile pe care le cream cu oamenii din jurul nostru. Ne simtim fericiti pentru ca ii facem pe altii fericiti si ca zambesc datorita noua. Fericirea data e fericirea primita, iar un zambet la care am fost complici e cea mai frumoasa recompensa.
Putem spune cu mana pe inima ca fericirea poate fi data lejer de dulciuri, iar o lume cu bunatati ar bucura pe toata lumea. Cu aceasta imagine in minte, va invit sa cititi compunerea „Sweety Land” a Dariei Lambru de la grupa J3 din Vitan. Daria a vrut sa patrundem intr-o lume mirifica in care dulciurile sunt la putere.
Once upon a time when the moon was the only light we all saw there was a land made of sweets called Sweety Land. There were many gingerbread houses, jelly trees, hot chocolate lakes, chocolate mountains, apple pie cars and marshmallow flowers.
In the biscuit castle there lived Queen Lollipop and King Bounty. They had a girl whom they loved very much: Little Gummy. Gummy was a beautiful princess. Pirate M&M wanted to kill Princess Gummy because she had a Twix Crown, which is a magical one.
One day, Pirate M&M travelled to Sweety Land in a meringue ship. He wanted to steal the Twix Crown, but Prince Mars wanted to stop M&M. When the fight started, a black chocolate piano fell from the second floor.
When he woke up, he swam back to the city. He went home and said:
„I am never coming back!”
King Bounty wanted to speak with Prince Mars:
„I want to give you something for your victory. What do you want?”
„I want to marry your daughter!”
„Yes, of course!”
He married the beautiful princess and he recieved half of the kingdom. It was a sweet wedding. Since then, candies, cookies and chocolate were created.