Viitori oameni politici Follow Me in Africa

Un top al dorintelor popoarelor africane ( transformate in promisiuni de campanie pentru Egipt, Etiopia, Sudan), asa cum le vad copiii nostri:

1.       Amenajarea de Parcuri cu multe flori si copaci, gradinile si alte spatii verzi

2.       Centrele comerciale cu multe magazine si cinematograf

3.       Sume de bani, masini si alte bunuri date degeaba

4.       Un presedinte prietenos si calm care isi asculta cetatenii si le indeplineste orice dorinta

5.       Repararea strazilor si constructia de scoli

6.       Disparitia animalelor salbatice

7.       Baruri cu program prelungit

8.       … dar si: retragerea din razboiul din Afganistan, mai multe barci de salvare, consolidarea cladirilor vechi si plaje mai curate.

Cerinta a fost:

Imagine you are running a campaign to become the president of an African country. Choose a country and make an election speech – what can you promise to the people of Africa?

I want to be the president of Egypt… like other people. If you vote me, I’ll make a better life for you. No more poor people in Egypt. Everyone will be paid very well and everyone will have enough money to survive and live a normal life. If there are poor people, I promise I’ll build a lot of canteens and I’ll help them to be richer. Everyone will be happier if I am the president. I’ll renew the old buildings and I’ll do all I can to make Cairo the most advanced city in Africa! (Marina Dobre)

If I am president, I promise you that we will participate no more in the war against Afghanistan. I will attract more tourists for the Pyramids and make more safety boats. We will stop the terrorists from the front lines. I will lead this country to a better life where we have enough food and especially more drinking water. We will have good houses where to live and enough funds to cover our debt. (Petru Ungureanu)


I promise you that together we can make a better Africa! I promise that all bad people will be punished and all good people rewarded. I promise that I will build a lot of towns and I will repair the old cities. I promise that I will be friendly with everyone. I promise you that all people in Africa will have a better life with me. Vote for Pana Maria!

I am making a campaign to become the president of the beautiful and big city of Sidney (sic!). If you vote me, I will make the city a better place to live in. I will repair the roads, the streets. I will make a theatre, places where children can play. I’ll clean the beaches.

I’ll make more places for work and recreation. I’ll be a good president. If you vote for me, Sydney will be clean and beautiful.  (Sorin Devan)

I want to be the president of Sudan because it is the largest  country in Africa. First, I’ll make it the most beautiful  in the world, but I can’t do this alone so I need your help. Secondly, I will reward you with a lot of money so you can buy what you want. Thirdly, I will upgrade the transport system and I will give a car per family. And at least I will listen to your wishes and after that I will execute them. Please vote for me! (Stefan Bucur)


I will become the president of Egypt. Egypt is a special country for Africa, a nice place for tourists all over the world. The capital, Cairo, is my favourite town in this country and the nicest from all Africa. I see the town and I don’t like it in these hard moments, we must modernise the town. Schools will have new technology, the pubs will be open until 1am during the week and 2am at weekends. There will be more green space and parks. Everything will be better for you, Egypt! (Vlad Vlasceanu)

If I become the president of an African country, I will be a great one. First, I will be calm, and they will be happy to have me as a president. I think I will give the African people everything they need and anything they want. (Ana Maria Nae)

If I become president of an African country, I think I’ll be the president of Sudan. I’ll promise them that the wild animals will disappear and the people won’t be afraid to go outside, lots of other people will come to see the African attractions. I will organise lots of events because I’m sure in the past you didn’t have much fun. I’ll build lots of shops and supermarkets and all the prices will be very low. I’ll open some schools. I’m sure that I’ll have lots of achievements and Sudan will be the most popular country in the world. You’re very lucky because I’m your president! In one year, this country will be completely changed. (Alex)

I promise that if I am the president of Ethiopia, I will build a lot of parks with a lot of flowers and trees and I promise that I will build a lot of shopping centres with a lot of shops and a cinema and I think I will build a lot of hotels with beautiful gardens and spa for relaxing. If I am the president of Ethiopia, I’ll make a lot of trips in the jungle! (Ema Chiriac)