Inca traim in nostalgia anului scolar pe care l-am incheiat alaturi de copilasii nostri din Drumul Taberei. Ne-au coplesit cu lucrurile frumoase pe care le-au spus despre acest an de studiu si abia asteptam sa ii vedem si in urmatorul an scolar. Iata testimonialele lor:
This year was very good. I learnt a lot of new things and met new people. I liked my teachers, the exercises and the book. I also liked the time when we played games. I will miss almost everything that happened here. (Radu Gabriela –S4B)
When I first came here I didn’t think it is so funny and easy to learn English. I really liked coming here and meeting new friends and I started to talk better in English. Here, all the teachers are very nice. I will come here next year too. (Nae Ana –S4B)
This year I’ve learnt lots of different things. I’ve enjoyed being here and I made new friends. We played lots of different games and next year I’ll come again. I hope that I’ll see my friends and Miss again. (Alex Valcu –S4B)
I love you Misses! The first time when I came here I was very scared and I think I was some kind of childish because we are children and our blood is sweet. I saw all the Misses’s behaviour and they are so warm with us. I remember that last year I called my Miss Anca ”mama”. They are like a second mom for me. They make me laugh and happy. Even though if I don’t do my homework sometimes, she understands me. I come sleepy everytime and I leave fresh. I like my colleagues too. They make me laugh everytime. (Ghafouri Samira S3)
Follow me, a beautiful experience. I like ”Follow me” more and more from year to year because I feel they grow up in the same time with me. I know a lot of friendly, sociable and nice teachers and colleagues. I like ”Follow me” because I do a lot of individual work and sometimes I do projects. I appreciate that we have ilustrated books and the lessons are diverse. I want to come back every year. Your student, Diaconescu Crista (S3)
Anul acesta la Follow me mi-au placut jocurile, cantecele si cartile. Au fost interesante si profesoarele sunt si au fost grozave. Anul acesta mi-a placut deoarece am invatat lucruri noi si am intalnit copii noi. La Follow me imi place pentru ca facem multe activitati distractive si interesante. Aici totul este distractiv si amuzant. Imi place la Follow me! J (Diana Gheorghe – S3)
I like Follow me because I like to learn English and here I can do it with fun. I like the books and the games that we play. I like the colleagues from our class. (Capros Andrei –S3)
Imi place foarte mult la Follow me deoarece facem foarte multe joculete prin care invatam multe lucruri noi. Imi place ca suntem mai multi in grupa si Miss e draguta si folositoare. In concluzie, imi place totul la Follow me. (Cioranu Georgiana – S3)
Imi place foarte mult deoarece am colegi super de treaba, cartile sunt super interesante si la fel si profesorii. Mi-au placut jocurile, activitatile mai exact:TOTUL! (Grigoruta Vlad – S3)
This year at Follow me I’ve studied a lot of things. I liked at Follow me this year the next things: I’ve had very good teachers; I’ve learnt very useful things; It was very funny this year. This year at Follow me was very beautiful. (Rosu Rares Stefan S3)
I like Follow me very much because: Miss is very good with me/us; I like all the kids; I like everything. Actually it isn’t something that I don’t like. (Purcarea Alexandru – S2B)
I liked: Miss, the book, we had fun, the games, the funny moments, we laughed a lot. I <3 Follow me! (Ana Maritiu, S2B)
At Follow me I liked the games and the book. The Misses were very cute and nice with me. I hope next year will be the same. (Nae Ioana Antonia – J4B)
Va reamintim, pe aceasta cale, ca inscrierile pentru noul an scolar sunt in curs de desfasurare, iar reducerile de fidelitate pe care le-ati primit in dosarele de evaluare vor fi valabile pana pe 30 iunie inclusiv.