Super eseuri de la super copii

Saptamana trecuta am vorbit despre intelegerea adolescentilor. Aceasta a fost perspectiva unei persoane trecute de 20 de ani. Intotdeauna am considerat ca fiecare problema sau poveste are doua variante. Sa o citim si pe cea a adolescentilor.

Alex Popa, unul dintre cei mai studiosi si buni cursanti Follow Me, a scris un eseu despre cum adolescentii sunt un cosmar pentru unii parinti.

                                             Teenagers are a nightmare for some of their parents

From a long time ago, teenagers were considered a nightmare for our society. But aren’t they the new generation who will take the place of the older generation? Aren’t they just like adults were in the past?

Firstly, it’s important to state that sometimes they just don’t want to listen to their parents and wreak havoc. Some of them are very spoiled and when they don’t get what they want, they begin to argue with their parents or storm out from a shop, moaning angrily that her mother didn’t want to buy her the ideal pair of shoes. But most of them are very angry because their parents didn’t let them do the the things they just want to do and therefore, they are very rude, talking with elderly people in an impolite way and turn up the music volume at night, waking up the neighbours.

On the other hand, not all teenagers can be very argumentative and rude. Some of them can be reliable, respectful and polite, which is a very good thing, because they are a true example of a teenager. Another point is that some of the argumentative teenagers behave so impolitely and argue all the time , because their parents don’t let their personality develop and they treat them like small children. Parents should let their teenagers go their own way, because if they don’t, the teenagers won’t have an easy life . Also, parents should let their personality develop, by letting them express their feelings and their own ideas.

To sum up, I think teenagers are more easy to handle if their parents would let them have freedom of feeling and thoughts but also the ones who know how to behave nicely should be severly punished.

In conclusion, teenagers can be good people if you know how to deal with them.

Alex nu conteneste sa ne uimeasca cu creatiile sale, iar noi, cei de la Follow Me suntem mandri sa avem astfel de cursanti!