Scrisoare pentru doamna educatoare

Astazi avem doua scrisori din suflet pentru doamna educatoare. Mesajele sunt complet diferite, dar talentul acestor doi copii (de la seniori nivelul 4) este de admirat.

Dear Miss Diana,

I hate you! Why? Because when I was little, at kindergarten, you threw out my glass. And you put me in the corner of the class – all the children were laughing at me! But let’s forget that! Oh, wait, I can’t forget that! You did bad things to me and I will never ever forget that. OK, calm down, Ana! But let’s remember the good memories – which are two! When I went to the kindergarten’s doctor, you gave me a piece of candy and at one test you gave me a 10.


When all the children were at the canteen, you gave me the worst food ever! The children got pizza, and I got soup! Why were you like this? What? Was I bad to you or did I miss a lesson? No, I was very quiet and good with my classmates. OK! It doesn’t matter now anyway. I mean, it was a good kindergarten, but with a bad teacher. If I were little now, I would have liked to be at that kindergarten, but not with you as a teacher! Now, I’m in the sixth grade at school. I am doing a course in English language. Here at Follow me there are very good and kind teachers, not like how you were!


Dear governess Pelly, 

I miss you so much and I want to see you as fast as possible. This year I’m in the fifth grade and it’s not like kindergarten. The first grade was easy and so was the second one. In these grades I learned a lot of new things. 


In the third grade I learned Science, Math, English, Literature, P.E. and a lot of other subjects. The fourth grade was the hardest. In this class we had exams and a lot of new subjects. At Math we learned multiplication and division. This year we’ve got a teacher for every class. It’s harder than the other years.I like my tutor. Her name is Nadia and she’s very funny. She teaches French.

The kindergarten years were awesome and I want to meet your new kids. I want to know how your life is. How are your grandchildren and your daughter? I liked the years in kindergarten very much. 

I want to see you again,
