„What the chicken is thinking while passing by KFC”
Hi! My name is Tweety! I am two years old. I am very sad because mu brother died. How did this happen? Simple! About two days ago, my brother was walking on the street when a strange man appeared.
This man said to my brother: ” Hi, beautiful little bird!” In that moment, the man put a bag over my brother. This man took my brother to KFC’s kitchen. There, some people killed him and then fried him. Now all my family are crying for my brother. At KFC, my brother is a special menu. I think that now, he is in a better place.
KFC is a bad corporation, because they kill innocent chickens, like my brother. It should be called KFS, which stands for Kentucky Fried Sibling.
Andreea Ciucan
„What I would do with 3 wishes”
When I went to a supermarket I saw a man who was selling a lamp. I bought this lamp and he said it was magical. I rubbed the lamp and a genie appeared. He said I could have 3 wishes. The first one was that I wanted to meet One Direction, because I am a huge fan and I want to meet Niall Horan.
The second was to go to London to see Big Ben and to visit the London Eye. The third wish was to have an Ipad. Then the genie put his hands in the air and cast a spell.
Two seconds later, I was next to One Direction, in London and with an Ipad in my hand. I was very happy because I met my idols.
Aida Ionita